Wednesday, 2 May 2012

  Although not all my reviews are spoilery, which I do not consider this one to be, here is a little warning just in case.

 Review Written: 1st May 2012

Switched by Amanda Hocking

Switched is a fairy story. If I ever find the inspiration to get past 20,000 words when writing a story, I would like to write my first book about fairies. Oh, I should confirm that when I say ‘fairy story’, I mean ‘a book about fairies’ not a prince/princess/talking animals/amusing sidekick kind of fairy story. Disney this is not. 

The story starts with 6 year old Wendy Everly being almost killed by her mother who believes she was switched at birth. The ultrasound said she was having a son, yet a daughter arrived. Back to the present day, Wendy and her overprotective brother Matt now live with their aunt Maggie. They’ve had to move house yet again as Wendy has been kicked out of school. Where does this romantic interest come in I hear you ask? He’s also a newbie at school who also happens to like staring at our main character. Cue awkward situations between them and one night, he turns up at her window and proclaims she’s a Trylle. She’s kind of important in Förening (that’s the place the Trylle live) so she needs to return. The remainder of the book is Wendy attempting to settle in to her new role and fight her feelings for Finn. Oh, and the must have fight scene between good and bad.

For those who know their fairy creatures, the title itself gives away part of the fairy element.  If you are not familiar, you can read the book and be surprised. The actually species, if species is the right word, of fairy that the Trylle tribe are took me by surprise. It’s not a stereotypically glamorous fairy but again, it’s all down to the way the author wants to portray their characters. 

Hocking has taken the title of ‘book with the coolest character names’. Not that I’m hosting an official award ceremony or anything but Wendy, Finn & Tove? These are hardly names you hear every day! (Unless you watch Peter Pan or Glee daily)

The book was fast paced – I read it in a space of a few evenings (yes, I normally read faster but I still have university work to complete.) Wendy as a main character, is certainly a feisty one and Finn has that whole ‘mysterious, sexy’ guy thing going on. There are a number of strong supporting characters, Tove, Rhys & Willa but to name a few. Her mother in Förening from first viewing appears just as loveable as her ‘human’ mother even though everyone tells her differently. I hope Wendy and the reader soon starts seeing this in the sequels.

Talking of sequels I currently have Torn on my bookcase. I think I should start reading it.

NEXT REVIEW: RACHEL CAINE'S BLACK DAWN (Yes, I know I said I'd start reading Torn but reading the next Morganville Vampires is a matter of life and death for me. Seriously)

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