Monday, 10 December 2012

Although not all my reviews are spoilery, which I do not consider this one to be, here is a little warning just in case.

Review Written: 10th December 2012
Cape Storm by Rachel Caine

It's the penultimate book of the series but that does not mean things have got any easier for protagonist Joanne Baldwin. In fact, they've got worse. She's supposed to be enjoying her honeymoon with Djinn husband David but there is one unstoppable hurricane heading towards them and a demon mark under her skin, getting stronger by the minute. Bad Bob is wrecking havoc and Jo needs to fight both him, and the evil inside her that is winning. 

There was one part that involved sharks. I hate sharks. I read that part in my room while sitting on my bed, far away from the sea, a sea that doesn't even contain sharks because it's England and not even people go in the sea as it is that cold, BUT I felt like a shark would suddenly appear. I hate sharks. I hate them. And that part freaked me out.

The chemistry between Jo and David is perfect as always, especially now the two of them are married.  However, the two spent hardly any time together in this book, even though they were on their honeymoon, because they were too busy trying to save the world. Also, the love Lewis has for Jo is revealed; I was aware of his feelings for a while now but it was nice to know the extent of them.

We are left with a very unexpected ending that opens up a number of possibilities for the final book. I hope Joanne finally gets the peace and quiet she so desperately needs!


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