Thursday, 10 January 2013

Although not all my reviews are spoilery, which I do not consider this one to be, here is a little warning just in case.

Review Written: 10th January 2013

Unsaid Things, Our Story by McFly

I can't exactly review this in a normal way because it's an autobiography. I can't exactly say, you've lived a great life, well done you or visa versa. So instead, these opening lines will simply say it was a very easy book to read, two chapters before bed turned into the whole book in two hours AND it elicited a range of emotions, from laughter to feeling so sad I sobbed.

Instead, this review will be me pointing out a few of my favourite moments. McFly have been my favourite band since 2006. Why 2006 I hear you cry? Well, it is when I first heard single Sorry's Not Good Enough, fell in love with Tom Fletcher's glasses/tie look, asked mum to bring me home the Motion in The Ocean album on her way home from work, and the rest is history. (I had liked them during their first album but when Busted split up, I was too devastated to even think about liking a then similar band.) 

One part that interested me was the band's views on the Above the Noise album. While I liked a few songs on the album, I felt the record as a whole was a step away from McFly that I was uncomfortable with. To know that the band were not entirely happy with the album either made me feel less like a terrible fan than originally. Finding out that 'All About You' was only ever meant for Tom's now wife Giovanna as a Valentine's Day present was an interesting bit of trivia and I am glad that it eventually got released even if I wasn't a fan at the time.

On to the parts that made me cry. The end of chapter 'The Great Depression' where the true extent of Tom's unhappiness is revealed, started my tears and by the time I finished 'Dougie's Secret' I couldn't see past the waterfall that was now my face. The laughs were mostly provided by Danny's incidents from thinking eggs are vegetables to numerous meetings with fans. The 'what happened with Lindsay Lohan' argument is revealed as well as plenty of other tour secrets.

Most importantly, throughout the book you can tell what a great friendship the guys have. From the jokes they share in their writing, to the insults or 'banter' [I hate that word so much], Unsaid Things proves that we've only just seen the start of what McFly have to offer. Long may they continue.

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