All page numbers are taken from this UK edition
THIS REVIEW HAS MAJOR SPOILERS - I suggest you read the book before the review because I do not want to ruin anything. Don't say I didn't warn you.
There are a number of things in life I look forward to:
- When someone buys cake. I really, really, really like cake.
- When the new series of my favourite television show begins.
- The new Morganville Vampire book.
If you came here to read about my love of cake or the fact I
am eagerly awaiting the return of Doctor Who and Sherlock, then I am afraid you
are going to be very disappointed. If you came here to read my review of Black
Dawn, then you are in the right place.
picks up where Last Breath finished.
(For those who have not read Last Breath,
the draug, whom are the baddies, sort of move into Morganville and
eventually end up biting the town’s head honcho Amelie – award for the quickest
synopsis ever). In a world without Claire, Michael, Eve and Shane, you’d be
pretty screwed, but this is Morganville and the four once again have to save
the day. The draug travel via the water, so the first logical step to take is cutting
off the water supply.
Then something happens to Shane making me really, really
sad. He is my favourite character, arguably in any current book series, and I
really want one for myself. Alas, he is fictional. Fortunately he is rescued
but not after experiencing a dream state where he has a perfect life with
Claire. The whole time I’m sitting there like a pile of goo because it’s so
darn CUTE and adorable and I want it to be real for him SO badly as I feel
after everything he’s been through in life, he deserves it. When he returns, he
needs convincing Claire is real. He keeps asking what their dream baby was
called and when Claire tells him what she would name their daughter (pg. 403),
I am literally dead from fangirling.
Zoom forward a bit and we have a character death. I won’t
reveal who but I felt it was rather undeserving for the person because they
weren’t too bad a character considering their circumstance in Morganville. In
fact, we have two character deaths. Both unfortunate.
Funniest character perspective is either Shane or Eve, Shane
because he is well, Shane and Eve because, in the words of my American friend,
is so sassy even though she is hurt from the events of the last book when Michael
went all vampire on her. I don’t even have to check whose perspective the chapter
will be in; as soon as I start reading, I just know. This is either because
Caine has captured each voice differently or I am completely fan girl for these
Here is the section where I explain my love for Myrnin. He
is funny, especially the line he gives about Bob the Spider (pg. 409) and he is
kick butt because he is a vampire. Also, the unspoken chemistry between him and
Claire is rather delicious. Don’t get me wrong, I ship Claire and Shane harder
than I’ve shipped anyone in my life, but I never once question the mutual
respect between him and Claire even though he makes a few misjudgements in the book.
My mother likes to read the books too and every time she
finishes, she says to me ‘I wish I knew more about the vampire’s past lives’.
We have come to some sort of conclusion that Oliver is Oliver Cromwell even
though the warts have never been mention. Page 422 and he is described as being
‘the warrior of God’. Also, page 434, ‘I had brought down kings, laid low
monarchs.’ So now I’m just like, who is this man who shares the name with the
historical figure who was a Puritan and brought down Charles I?
The ending is a bit of a shocker. It is a sort-of happy one.
Morganville is changing that much is sure and I’m not sure what place or what role
the four of them will now have. So here I am, having finished book twelve, not
quite sure what I’m going to do with my life until the thirteenth is out.
(I am hopefully meeting Rachel Caine on the 21st May - I'm rather excited!)
(I am hopefully meeting Rachel Caine on the 21st May - I'm rather excited!)
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