Tuesday, 22 May 2012

 Although not all my reviews are spoilery, which I do not consider this one to be, here is a little warning just in case.

Review Written: 22nd May 2012

Everlasting by Elizabeth Chandler

The book is the third in the Kissed by an Angel series. Trying to research this has been rather difficult because it appears the later editions in the UK have a slightly different set up. The first book, Kissed by an Angel, was a monster of a book because it contained the first three in the series – Kissed by An Angel, The Power of Love & Soulmates. (I have literally just discovered this on the internet.) In this book, Ivy and her boyfriend Tristan are involved in a car accident, where he tragically dies. He becomes her guardian angel and the two discover that the accident was not an accident at all, and basically avenge Tristan’s death. Evercrossed sees Tristan save Ivy from yet another accident and as punishment, he becomes a fallen angel and takes over the body of Luke. It finishes on the discovery that Luke murdered his ex-girlfriend Corianne and has to go on the run.

Everlasting picks up where Evercrossed left off. Ivy’s friend Beth has been taken over by Gregory (the bad guy in the previous two books who died) and is once again trying to kill Ivy (it’s like he has nothing better to do in the afterlife.) While Ivy is trying to remain alive, she is also trying to prove ‘Luke’s’ innocence so that she can, I assume, live happily ever after with Tristan. 

This book was basically a big build up to what I assume, is the final one [the acknowledgements mention a trilogy and this is the second]. The action only started in the last few pages where you finally find out who actually killed Luke’s ex-girlfriend, which is a bit of a shocker, but by then, there are not enough pages left to reach any conclusion. So naturally, the book ends on a cliffhanger.

I have to admit, I preferred the book before this one and I’m fairly certain I’ll enjoy the next book but books that have build up tend to...lack excitement. The characters weren’t as likeable this time around – Will was just a moody little so-and-so (I get it, he’s heartbroken as Ivy rejected him because she is still in love with her angel boyfriend and his current interest has been taken over by a demon but really, that’s no excuse), Beth being overtaken by a demon means she is not her loveable self and Ivy and Tristan are too busy trying to prove Luke’s innocence that their character doesn’t really shine through.

Not that I’m saying ‘don’t read it’, you have to in order to progress onto the next book, I’m just saying hang in there. Or if the idea of angels doesn’t float your boat, I recommend her Dark Secrets books. They are mystery novels and one thing Chandler does well is surprising you with who the villain is!


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