Saturday, 2 June 2012

 This review contains a minor spoiler, consider this a warning

 Review Written: 2nd June 2012

Torn by Amanda Hocking

The last book ended with Wendy running back to her brother Matt. This book starts with her being kidnapped by the rival Vittra tribe and finding out a few secrets about her family and heritage. There, she meets the rather mysterious, and I’m assuming good-looking, Loki. Wendy is rescued, returned to Förening and the remainder of the story continues with her struggles between love and becoming the Queen the tribe deserves. Time is running out before she will sit on the throne so ‘Princess practise’ as I shall now dub it, is progressing at full speed.

In the third book, I want her to be with Loki. I’ve been reading a few reviews of this book online and I don’t quite understand the Loki hate. I prefer him to Finn – because Finn isn’t the ‘innocent’ guy some reviews tend to portray. Wendy and he argue, he leaves without explanation causing her to spend her time agonising over him like some sort of New Moon scenario and he doesn’t even try to fight the system to be with her. Loki may be a tad arrogant and a total pretty boy but at least he tells it like it is, which I admire. Now everyone is aware of what I think of the two love rivals, we can move on.

We see a slightly softer side to Elora (her actual mother) in this book. The reasons for this are rather sad, but a softer side was bound to appear eventually. I wouldn’t go as far as to say Wendy is now bonding with the mother who gave her up as a child, but at least she is beginning to understand Elora’s reasoning. 

This here is a spoiler – Wendy must get married. What I won’t spoil is who she gets engaged to. There is also a little shock about her fiancé. Wendy does not wish to have an arranged marriage, and rightly so and I’m hoping in the third book, a suitable conclusion shall be reached.

NEXT REVIEW: Well, you know I caved with The Hunger Games, I’ve caved with George R.R. Martin’s ‘A Game of Thrones’. I’m halfway through at the moment, this book is a monster, so I’m not sure when my next review will be.

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